Saturday, January 19, 2008

Soldier On

Is ustaz an ustaz or soldier with ustaz qualifications to perform or head religious ceremonies? Is a Medic a soldier or a medical soldier? Is a driver purely a driver or he can kill the enemies while driving the 3 tonner or run 'em over with it?

I'm having 2 x 3 Tonners with drivers (of course) fm the kind service corps, 2 x Medical orderlies fm the Medical Bn, one Ustaz fm KAGAT and 2 x Signallers fm the Sig Sqn.

Lack of fresh men and made the medics and drivers to be included with the daily guards. Medics SMSed their CO and i received a call fm him. Conversation:

Me: Assalamualaikum Tuan.

Him: Why are you making my boys guards every 4 hours?

Me: since it's the 1st week, not settled down yet, req my men to move around alot, so put em on duty guardroom only.

Me again: Don't your soldier have night guard duties back at the camp?

Him: that's not the issue here, they were attached UC to you for medical coverage only.

Me: But not everysecond that somebody falls ills or get shot by the enemy, your men would be dead bored.

Him: If there is no work for em over there, then i will retrieve them back.

Me: But sir, strict reqmt fm GOC that i must have medical personnel at Tac HQ.

Him: Then if u are lacking of men power, that is your prob and deal with your parent unit, do not make my boys duty guards.

Me: Ok sir. One more thing, can the do 'fitiks' and gotong-royongs?

Him: Sikit-sikit boleh la.

Me: How about playing sports?

Him: u want to perli me ah?

Me: Tarak tuan, just want to conform, takut nanti they SMS u again.

Afew days later, my BK complained: "sir i plan for you to interview the medics as they disobeyed my orders to attend the Local Def Orders & contingency plan briefings."

Me: Hang bodoh ka gila? Ini Op area la, mana ada masa mau interview ka, mau BAT D 200 ka, kasi la hukuman medan, direct punishment saja. Ishk ishk..... Lu kasi sama dia strict orders, if they tak mau, lu kasi dia PT, if dia tak mau lu pukul sama dia, make sure ada saksi and jangan sampai dia mati sudah la. Aku mana ada masa, mau tidur, mau jalan-jalan lagi mau mabuk, mana cukup ini masa, ishk ishk ishk.... BK nowadays...never learn.

Next day, i received a call fm Medic Bn saying that their personnel under me kena belasah so they will retrieve both of them back.

Yesterday my CO kena menghadapi GOC. Hahahahaha. Apparently the Medic Bn CO wrote letters to MPMTD, MKGAPU, MK3DIV, nasib metro tarak.

I prepared an incident report and recorded all witnesses. Prepared my arguments and reassured my BK that he did the right thing. As the Local Def O is an 'O' which every personnel in the camp should know in case of emergencies or attacks, and everybody should know how to react in case of any contingencies. They disobeyed lawfull orders, even after being given 3 chances by instructing 3 men to go and call them to attend the 'O'.

Okay la, mau buat my appreciation or should i do MAPS? Lazy la..... long winding stuff of deductions of my own statements..... syiok sendiri aje.


Blogger mocha shouted:

wah...they got time to write letter to p'5 medan and GOC!! hahaha... byk masa terluang....soldiers nowadays...

Saturday, January 19, 2008 6:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

u did the correct thing bro! now time 4 u to present ur case pula! make ur pang5 gapu merapu lah! hahahahahahah, get rdy for the ride bro! any help u need?

Saturday, January 19, 2008 6:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

wahh... although I do not understand all the soldier's language... I have the impression that medics you talk about is spoilt and not worthy of the title 'soldier'. SISSIES!!!!!!

Even I can do the 'guard' thing. It's not permanent right? Sometimes people think of themselves highly... that's why they think they are medic can't do 'lower' jobs. I hope they are sent to war for real man!!!!

Sorry ah... a bit emotional... coz' I think some people (not only soldiers) are too spoilt and think they should not do this la that la... who the hell do they think they are... so damn blardee spoilt!

Sunday, January 20, 2008 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

A soldier is a soldier first and foremost. An MT driver doesn't go for his Class 2 driver course before the recruit training course.

Make sure they are soldiers first.

That has always been my policy. That's why I was a sickening bastard officer.

Monday, January 21, 2008 2:19:00 PM  
Blogger Metalized shouted:

Now Div ordered for BOI, if BOI means my BK sure will kena unless we all claimed tak sentuh that boy or didn't see anything. hehehe

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 5:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

bro, ur bk do as what u instructed, so u can said u order him 2 do as long as tak mati aje that budak hahahahahahha. then it will b ur case. by then, u minta court marshal!! is that hukuman medan salah in medan? or tak hadir briefing kira tak salah? where's the halatuju operasi actually? just 2 let ppl bersantai? to let other ppl know that soldiers still got ops but those attachments under the ops unit actually not doing soldiering works?! like that better minta medic n nurses frm general hospital, ustaz frm jabatan agama or beli dvd agama dari abeng jual dvd haram, and minta driver dari pemandu teksi yg nak moonligthing kat ops area kot.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

kena defend ur bk mah bro! ppl don't cover u last time when u r in trouble but u must jaga ur bk habishabisan! ada apa i can help bro? if ur BK going down, make sure that medic also sama sama going down! or u also join in terjun n ur co, n pang5 too! hahahahaaahah

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 12:09:00 AM  
Blogger ala shouted:

senang aje.. call dat guy n tell him dat is d hukuman medan. If he tak puas hati, then tell him dat u'll put him for court marshall for not attending d o.

susah sgt.. tembak mati aje.. then BOI cakap dat guy tertembak diri sendiri. Padan muka dia! hahahaha

Anyway there's no PMAT or PATD or even Perintah Tetap saying dat medic n ust kenot duty! Even drv, pay, ajar, QM do their duties. All just bcoz they r 2manja n spoilt s-hols. There's no gnd dat dey can challenge ur orders.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:12:00 PM  
Blogger mocha shouted:

buat drama sikit...request for royal commission la... hehe... waste more of the tax payers money... first a 3 men commission to validate the authenticity of the guys report... haha.. then royal commission to find out what happened... hehe...

on a more serious note, get a lawyer and lawan habis habisan lar... get Kapt (b) ong mun siong's service... hahaha.... got chance to win also....coz the pendakwa in the military all kokap wan....just say the only way u can discipline them is by using force... they are in the verge of dahagi and ingkar perintah... haha.. to avoid coup d'etat u hafto do this... if not these kpls wanna rampas kuasa and wage war towards YDP Agong... haha.. kasi drama besar besaran...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 4:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

Bro...I concur with the rest. DEFEND YOUR BK.

Kalau ustaz tak nak buat guard duty, suruh pakai serban and jubah. If driver tak nak guard duty, suruh pakai baju macam Transnasional express bus drivers. Kalau medic tak nak buat duty, suruh pergi jadi mat fit.

Every soldier comes under AAT, 1972. He/she is a soldier first.

Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:58:00 AM  
Blogger Metalized shouted:

Hahaha yeah ofcourse i'll defend by BK, already told him dunt worry, gua answerable for all that happend in this place. Explained to CO and he agrees, YDP BOI is also our Jr, OC Wksp. hehehe.

So far dah tangkap 3 ekor monyet, 1x merpati daun, 3x merpati tanah, 2x ayam hutan, byk kupang, byk puyu.

But tenggiling or biawak tak dpt lagi la.

Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:09:00 PM  
Blogger ala shouted:

kelawar, ular sawa, cobra, beruang, babi hutan?

Friday, January 25, 2008 10:29:00 PM  
Blogger Loon shouted:

puyu??? u mean PY? ajak icecool sekali lah!! hahahahahaha

Saturday, January 26, 2008 5:51:00 PM  
Blogger mocha shouted:

hahahaha.... PY... YDP is joshua ka???

Sunday, January 27, 2008 10:29:00 PM  
Blogger Metalized shouted:

yupe.... papa yankee

Wednesday, February 06, 2008 2:45:00 PM  

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