Xmas is Cuming...
Still haven't got my leave pass signed yet. Have to run a 'kursus penyesuaian Operasi MERPATI II' for two weeks started on monday untill next fri (which includes Hari Raya Haji & Xmas). Last Hari Raya Aidilfitri, all muslims boys went for holiday & me & the nons stayed back. Now xmas cuming & i'm receiving alot of leave request fm my non-non-muslims SNCOs. hmmm pelik la, they already cuti, now my christians boys pun baru seorang balik kampung sarawak and the muslims guys pulak hantak pas cuti byk2. then sapa nak kerja? best part is 1 x WO II gave the excuse of melawat dan menjaga mak mertua yg sakit tenat, another said bawa mak mertua berubat sakit tenat. Hmmm... in private sect can request for 10 days leave to jaga mak mertua?
Sorry they are not getting any fm me, but i'll evaluate each case by case and give minimum days required according to priorities only.
Now how about my leave? Esok jumpa CO la.
Sorry they are not getting any fm me, but i'll evaluate each case by case and give minimum days required according to priorities only.
Now how about my leave? Esok jumpa CO la.
simple lah bro, when raya time, u kerja since u r non muslim, when xmas time u also kerja since u r pegawai!
pegawai kan gaji tinggi, pkt tinggi, tanggungjawab tinggi, ada epaulet kat tip yg ditauliahkan oleh agong, tatatertib tinggi (takkan guna toyol dlm exam), gentleman, loyal (fuck gals around.. loyal to ur lust), mantap, handsome, berpengetahuan tinggi dan macam macam lagi lah.....
so kenalah live up to the name n claims! GEMPUR WIRA! proton wira
This is wat the Natex would say:
N - Nak Cuti?
A - Aku Memang
T - Terer Buat
E - Excuse lebih2 lagi
X - Xmas
This is wat u should say to the Natex:
N - Nak
A - Aku
T - Terajang
E - Engkau
X - Tak?
ahask, my pas cuti co dah sign, co mesti sign punya.... kerja mcm anjing for him. 25 dec untill 2 jan 08
cuti panjang tuuu.... apa plan xmas eve and new year eve tuan?
27 Dec kena go recce again at Ops area. Then the rest of the holidays... makan tidu, makan tiduk, jalan jalan. buat dek and maybe update blog? hahahah
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