Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Masjid at the heart of Shijiazhuang

I Don't know its name, becos i cant read chinese characters yet or jawi.... the only jawi that i can recall from sekolah rendah punya kelas agama are these: Khap Wau Ta Ya, Pha Alif Nun Ta Alaif Ta, and Pha Wau Khap Ya.... or something like that.... hehehehe.

Being a communist country, the civillian citizens r not encouraged 2 have religions and the military/Gov servants are not allowed 2 have any beliefs. Some of the chinese officers i know are actually Christians or Muslims. Being a malaysian, it occasionally slips my mind and during conversation with new chinese frens, i would ask them 'what's their religion'....?? duh?.. they would have this look of surprised with mixture of awkward and ashamed..... and reply "I dunt have any religion". Their reaction and reluctance as well as uncomfortability against my silly question show that the chinese knows and recognize the human nature's needs for faith & beliefs in God. Im sorry for putting them thru that by asking 'em their religion...(hehehehehe). These tell me that they unwillingly acknowledge that it is normal(or a way of life) to have religious beliefs, that everybody should have agama or would eventually resort to a higher than human(God figure) in times of vain (like what happened to the churches in the US after the 9/11) and so that there is something wrong with em for not having any.
The PRC's gov's steps of controlling and monitoring religious activities among its PLA's personnel is by having undercover spies in mosques and churches. That particular james bond would identify gov personnel that have religions, report them 2 the political department and that person is in trouble(im not sure what kind of trouble). The Gov's organizations always have 2 departments(2 head or leaders) eg the HQ of army(PTD) and same level(rank) is the Political Commissar (Psy Ops).
So those soldiers that have religious beliefs had also gone undercover as well...hehehe since they can't go 2 mosques or churches, they bring it to themselves. The would held mass in houses, gatherings, bible readings and celebrations among their small community of undercover followers of a particular religion.
One thing though, that 'james bond' who gets 2 go 2 mosques or churches, would he eventually discover God? and terus jadik alim and menyesal? Or he just minum that chinese JDs and forget it la. Maybe they would have scheduled brain washing sessions for him also.
I need to go to Church la..... sudah lama oooh....


Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

Wah...your Jawi very good. The JAWI in KL very bad..always nabbing people kissing at KLCC. They are real BA-WAU-TA-WAU-HA.

Thursday, January 04, 2007 3:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

hrmm... have faith, believe in one god and never conduct evil doings. i think that should be the way human should live lah. if those 3 r followed, they will not be any wars.

the largest war human ever fight is because of different religion rite? thought religion should unite human but see what had they done.. and doing also...

so believe in god but not religion! hahahahahahahahah

communist idealisme is kinda nice but one thing that sucks is equality in wealth! kanineh lah!!! like that every1 no need to work hard lah.. last last the whole idealisme also will kaput.

choy: like i always say, church is in ur heart and human can always be the church of god. ( i think so... i read somewhere lah) hahahahah, if i am wrong then sorry.

the chinese undercovers that catching those who going to churches or mosques r probably occult members... they worship the darklord gua.

china got vampires or not? not the lompat one lah but the one like in 'blade'. if got, let them bite u choy and u can be immortal. come back here u bite me so we no need to lapor to wisma veteran yrs later.

Thursday, January 04, 2007 6:04:00 PM  
Blogger ala shouted:


Friday, January 05, 2007 2:26:00 PM  
Blogger Metalized shouted:

Hahaha...wanna be vamps tan? then need to pay regular visits 2 tabung darah negara la.

Tan: there r no more such thing as wealth equality anymore la. the rich r gettin richer n poor gettin poorer. Infact the wealth gap is so huge n gettin wider. Its so obvious, when i go 2 country side, see their living condition n the work they do is so sad. And when go malls or nightclubs, the clothes cost thousands to tens of thousands! Even i cant afford, but still the rich r spending, mixture of bicycle buruk 2 BMW 7z series. We open 2 btls only, they open 4 btls XO Cognac.

Friday, January 05, 2007 4:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

last last the idealisme gagal jugak! hahahahha

kalau gua jadi vampire, i sure mlm mlm go hospital around msia ambil one packet of darah. bukan they know anyway! hahahahaha and i will study medicine and become dr bidan where women giving birth time sure alot of darah, then i kumpul the darah dlm botol 5 ltr. one baby dpt like 1ltr, 5 babies dpt 5 ltr!! syiok! simpan dlm peti sejuk somemore. want some bloody mary ?

Friday, January 05, 2007 9:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

Actually, religion causes disunity. It is cause that unites people.

In Malaysia, the Muslims follow the intepretations of Imam Shafie. His intepretations of Islam, as well as those of Imams Hanbali, Maliki and Hanafi make up the Sunnis (Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah, or loosely translated as "The followers (of Prophet Muhammad's acts) and the Majority". Then there's the Shiites/Shias (Syiah). Now, these sects all came about at least a hundred years after Muhammad died. Wahhabis are the creation of MI6's predecessors.

Not one of these sects have actually gone back to the actual teachings of Islam - via the Holy Quran and the Hadith (the sayings and practices of Muhammad). What they have done is to take the intepretations of their respective Imams as THE correct intepretation and is therefore inscribed in stone. So A says he's right,B also claims he's right. A Shiah who practices his way and intepretations of Islam in Malaysia will get arrested. Likewise a Malaysian who practices Sunni in Iran will get arrested.

My question to them is: so whose Islamic way of life is correct?

My answer is: None of them. They should go back kampung and re-read the Quran and Hadith.

Wah...macam posting kat blog sendiri pulak.

Saturday, January 06, 2007 2:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

hahahahaha ur question will eventually brings out more questions. its a never ending thing kot...

everything back to basic? don't think lots of ppl will agree. same goes to the christians also.. ada methodist ada proteston, some jesus hy some mary hy.

why don't all human believe in spirituality (there's a god up there), and we start believe in something that unite ppl. hahhahahahahah

Saturday, January 06, 2007 2:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

God is the uniting factor. Christians, Muslims..all believe in the same God. In fact, I dare say that each religion's one Great Entity refers to the same entity.

Saturday, January 06, 2007 2:59:00 PM  
Blogger Metalized shouted:

Yeah i agree with that, SD. But there will never be any unification, no compromisation, everybody claims they r right, but nobody is 100% right and nobody is perfect. So Loon, let them go do and say what they want, practise what they believe. While we also carry on with what we believe is right, or atleast how we want it to be. Cheers mates~!

Saturday, January 06, 2007 8:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

i think manusia will only unite if they have one common enemy which really hates human being (so some manusia won't be a traitor or a spy).

lets hope alien will come and invade us one day (hope our angkasawan akan bawa balik Aliens! hahahah)

Sunday, January 07, 2007 12:08:00 PM  
Blogger Metalized shouted:

yeah like the aliens Xenomorph. Then predator head hunters also cum here every 100 years 4 the test of the greatest warrior. also the zentrade and that beem me up scotty......

Sunday, January 07, 2007 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

Every year on July 4h I wait for those big saucers to blow up Manhattan...hmm.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 3:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous shouted:

wait our angkasawan bring back telur alien inside their stomach

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 8:40:00 PM  
Blogger Metalized shouted:

Hahahaha adush, belum pergi dah kena bad luck.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:32:00 AM  

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